Where Are You?

Devised, Directed & Choreographed by Sim Yan Ying "YY"

Devised & Performed by An-Li Bogan, Ao Lan Guo, Brendan Schwartz, Guillermo Contreras, Rani T. Choudhury, Rosalie Neal, Shannon Barnes


“How can you believe things without proof?”
“Must we prove things to believe them?”

Where Are You? is a confrontation with death through experiences of grief. Spanning time, space, and cultures, Where Are You? seeks to expand our understandings of and beliefs about death.

Assistant Choreography by Shannon Barnes
Assistant Direction by Zahra Budhwani
Dramaturgy by Nicholas Chan, Omri Ariav, Renee Yeong
Additional Choreography by Brendan Schwartz & Guillermo Contreras 

Scenic Design by Benny Pitt
Costume Design by Amelia Kassing
Lighting Design by Chris Voegels
Sound Design by Jordan Bernstein

Associate Sound Design by Iris Smith-d'Agincourt
Assistant Costume Design by Jordan Powell
Poster Design by Benny Pitt
Stage Managed by Sam McHale
Additional Collaborator – Sherifa Abudulai
Crew – Bridget Lynn, Elias Kacavas, Olivia Kwarm

Photos by Craig Mungavin


Cost of Caring