Created & Directed by Sim Yan Ying "YY"
Devised & Performed by Ariana Papaleo, Jamie Shapiro, Marissa Ruben, Nia Farrell & Shannon Barnes
December 2018 at NYU Tisch School of the Arts
"Strike me with your arrow, and I will make Art instead of Love."
A dance-theatre piece about obsessive unrequited love, based on the book Unrequited: The Thinking Woman's Guide to Romantic Obsession by Lisa A. Phillips. In this show, we ask: How do we make sense of, and make something out of, the obsessive unrequited love experience?
Creator & Director: Sim Yan Ying "YY"
Devisers & Performers: Ariana Papaleo, Jamie Shapiro, Marissa Ruben, Nia Farrell & Shannon Barnes
Dramaturgs: Renee Yeong, Nicholas Chan, Sim Wee Ong & Jake Ryan Lozano
Choreographer: Danica Jensen
Scenic Designer: Benny Pitt
Costume Designer: Sara Atehortua
Lighting Designer: Theodora Chiu
Sound Designer: Nicholas Webster
Assistant Scenic Designer: Nile Harris
Assistant Sound Designer: Jordan Powell
Collaborators: Madeline Parks & Iris Smith-d'Agincourt
Stage Manager: Laurel Ledesma
Photos by Craig Mungavin